okay um there's this girl i like and i want to ask her out Monday (todays friday) okay so ya i dont know when to do it..... i see her 6th period at study hall and i sit next to her in spanish 7th period... in my spanish class we can talk all we want so i think i should do it there but like when we leave the class.
what do you think when should i do it... we are friends so i dont want it to be akward if she says no... should i do it in school or another time??????
any other tips?Advice on asking a girl out?
i agree with what the girl who saaid about the 3 minutes before class because if you ask her out during class and she says not it will be akward during the whole class and if she says no the next day just talk to her like nothing happendAdvice on asking a girl out?
that's cute- simply just go up to her.. and ask her! .. something like, ';what are you doing tonight at 8?'; that'll work just fine. you should do it like 3 minutes before the bell rings so that incase she says no you wont have awkwardness that youll have to hang around.. but if she says yes you can leave with a cute hug :).
Don't do it in class because if she says no - not that im saying she will, but just in case - you will have to sit with her awkwardly for an entire period!!! and nobody wants that. So what i think you should do is ask her before or after school or in the hall. Good luck!
Just be like so '; Do u like wanna hang out some time you know just as friends'; let her get interested in you if she agrees to the movie and then turn it into something more slowly!! ASsk her like after class on your way to your lockers or something don't make a big scene just do it casually! BE YOURSELF ITS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING!!!
well good thinkin on doing at near the end of class because it will b akward after you ask her out do it when ever you are walking out the door
i recamend staying friends because friends last longer than relationships
but if you r going to ask her out do it thursday of friday
answer mine: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AsF1o5C8V3n9tYKjsiaEvn3sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080919200933AAgskTP
i asked my last gf out when i walked her home and it felt like the right time, so before she had to go I just said, oh and i wanted to ask you if you want to go out with me.
dont do it during a class, that would be stupid.
i wouldnt ask her out! then again.....it all depends on how long u have been friends, if it has been a while (months) then DO NOT ASK HER OUT. if it has been days maybe a couple of weeks, they i would. but it could ruin ur whole friendship, i made that SAME mistake, but i got lucky, and i would hate to see that happen to anyone else!!! try getting someone (like a friend) to interagate her for you!!
The first thing that you need to remember is that the girl is nervous, too. She obviously knows when it is coming. So just be calm. 'Cause when a guy asks you out, it makes you feel really good. If she says no, just be like 'yeah, ik it would kind of be weird and just laugh it off'
She'll feel comfortable if you do. I'm 13.
Answer mine. Please. WITH PICS.
ask her 7th period, if she says no itll be akward no matter what but not as bad then if u wait and never ask her, so just ask her to a movie but make it clear its a date not just hangin out, if she says no then say thats cool we'll stay friends and never ask her out again
i do not think that you should ask her out, if you are friends, because wether she says no or not... when you guys break up, or dont think that it is working out it will not be the same between you as friends
not during class, but just do something casual flirt around.
be straight forward be nice smile
if she says no get over it don't nag her or her friends cuz then she wont like u at all
id say after school, and ask to see a movie, no biggie, then move from there as you pick up on her cues...Good Luck!!
u mite wanna make sure shes a girl with no mustache bud
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