There is this beautiful girl in my spanish class, and after typical high school gossip it's obvious we like each other. It's just kinda hard to talk to her. She sits on the complete other side of the room, and the teacher is so strict in that class that we're not allowed to leave our seats. It's not that i'm afraid to talk to her, because i really want to. I just don't know what to say, and how do i get around to talking to her without seeming awkward, or desperate. Tips anyone?
Homecoming is coming up on saturday, and i haven't asked her out. She knows I like her and she likes me. Do you think by asking her out after homecoming she will be turned off?Advice on approaching a girl?
Be cool bro. Take her out to dinner and lunch, or just out for drinks and a snack. Start out slow and work your way to the top. Rush and you will miss something.Advice on approaching a girl?
She won't be turned off if you ask her out to the homecoming! She'll be pleased that a guy is taking interest in her, especially if she likes him. Go for it. Don't be scared of sitting with her or talking to her, just be yourself, indulge in the typical high school gossip as usual. The more friendly you are with her the more chance that something might blossom between you two. Girls love chatty guys that make them feel comfortable and happy. Girls also sometimes think that shy guys are cute, so don't worry.
Aww this is cute, coming from a high school girl tho, i like to play hard to get and like the guys that I have to work for. Sometimes its good to not rush into things so quickly. Does she have texting or myspace? I think that you should ask her what shes doing saturday night and if not suggest going together. If she says yes, i think it would be cute to send her a text or a message saying somethin like ';can't wait to show you up on the dance floor saturday night :)'; Then after the dance if things go well, ask if she wants to hang out the next week or go to a movie or something. Make sure to talk to her the next week at school too! Thats just my opinion. hope it helps :)
You guys can always talk to eachother after class.
Maybe in the hall ways or at lockers.
But if you two know you like each other, then just ask her out. If you dont, she will get dissapointed cause she is waiting for it.
Good luck.
Ask her. My regret was this lady I worked with and we did like one antoher. But never got to that step. One day she was gone from work, so will never have a chance to ask her out. That is my regret. So do it. You will be happier than me.
Ask her what she's doing on Saturday, if she's free respond like this:
';Hey, then maybe we can go to the homecoming dance together,';
After class ask her to go to the homecoming dance. and then go from there
i think, you should ask her for the homecoming... it'll turn the spark on!
Better you go and talk to her before someone else ask her my friend..dont waste time and gudluck..
ask her out don't waste time
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