I've been seeing this amazing girl that past few weeks but she has a past I recently found out when she opened up...Shes dated the same guy on and off for a decade but hasnt for about half a year and really had no one else..since Ive met her she wants me around her most important things, her family and etc and thus here is rest of the equation..It seems she cant say bad things about this past guy which is horrible to her and she receieved a short thing thing from him and it affected her for a couple of days...she opened up and says she didnt want to because its scaring me off...it sorta is..advice?%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;Advice on a amazing girl that has a past?%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;?
Your girlfriend needs to focus on you and her life and get rid of the past guy. It will affect you both forever if she doesn't. She has to tell the other guy to get lost and get a life. If she really cares about you and doesn't want to lose you then that's a must. You have to give her an ultimatum.
Don't accept anything less than having a true relationship with her.
YOU have to be true to yourself. SHE has to be true to herself. She has to go deep inside and figure out what she really wants. You sound like an amazing guy too and you don't deserve to be second on the list.%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;Advice on a amazing girl that has a past?%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;?
well, it's obvious she isn't over him. if she went out with him for a long time and it's only been half a year. i think it takes more time than that. you should seriously sit down and have a discussion on how you feel about the situation and tell her to just let everything out once and for all....then there shouldn't be anymore tension
The past is history the future is mystery.
There is nothing you can do about the past but you can make the future beautiful if you wanted to.
Well i didnt really understood what u meant but i think u should just be there with her and help her out if u really love her.
About her EX-BF , screw him , try to make ur gf more happyer and just live ur life bro :)
Everyone has their own past. Good or bad, it's there.
The past is the past dude!
What's in your future?...that's the question!!!
Well, if he's in her past and she's truly into you and wants to pursue a relationship with you, so what.
Anyone over the age of 10 or 11 has a romantic past. Yeah, the guy's a jerk, but maybe she can see some of his redeeming qualities that you can't. It seems like she's truly over him and she's really into you and really into being with you or she wouldn't have divulged this information to you.
My current was a little concerned when I told him that I was still friends with my ex, but it's been almost 4 years since my ex and I broke up, our contact is limited to e-mails and IM's and he lives in MO and I live in SC. I told my current that he had NOTHING to worry about because I am happy with just being friends with my ex and nothing more. He realizes this now and feels comfortable with it cause I was honest and upfront. You have something to worry about only if she's hiding things from you. Then I'd be concerned.
If you really care about her and really want to be with her then go for it. So what if she had a bad ex. There are a LOT of women with a bad ex (sometimes exES, plural, not singular).
Good luck, hon!
She had a long relationship so relax a bit on the issue. Shes with you now and she needs ur full trust right now. Dont get bothered by the ex, as long as she doesnt talk about him on a daily basis then you have no worries. If she is getting you involved with her family then she feels very comfortable with you and wants you in her life in a major way. Stick with her and you will have a strong relationship if you let her know that you understand about her past and as long as she doesnt keep talking about it, then it shouldnt bother you.
first, why is it scaring you off? if you dont know the reason, then figure it out. if you do know the reason, then talk to her about it. dont be scared of the past guy. shes not with him anymore. and even though its kinda scaring you off dont let her say she wont open up to you for that reason. she should always be able to talk to you. if she has nothing bad to say about him, either she doesnt remember, there wasnt anything bad, or she just hasnt told you that there was a bad part of that relationship. if shes as amazing as you say she is and you love her, then stay with her. if you left her because of her past.....well one that would be kinda stupid and two it would hurt her. if she wants you around the most important things in her life, then that means she really likes and trusts you. i really dont know what advice to give about the guy in the past except you either, both forget about him, talk about him with her and see why she seems to be talking about him. like is there any unfinished business between them? or if it makes you uncomfortable when she talks about him, let her know you feel that way and why. but also let her know that she can always open up to you. and you need to do the same with her. good luck.
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