Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Advice/question on a girl?

i met a friend of a friend at a party i was with close friends with and kind of drunk. I started talking to her and got very attracted to her neappearance. I asked her if there was somewhere we could go but she said wasn't. When she was leaving with no ride home I walked outside with her offerin her a ride home but my friend's car got towed so we kissed, exchanged numbers and i told her i'ld call her asap because she's special to me. I did, and I cooked her chicken ceaser salad b/c i thought no girl would hate that, she thought it was okay. she enjoyed steak and burgers (like me), music like me, and snowboarding like me. we had diiner, kissed, made out, and had sex, I'm 21 she's like 19. I never had sex before, she did. I told her she was special and that's why i wnated her, which was the truth. the next day she said she did'nt htink she could go out again. it was also a week before she went away to another country for charirty workl. butshe didnt answer my last IM and i think she reallly jus wanted a one night stand but i started to build emotions for her and want her with me so bad at night in my bed to care for and make lvoe and just i'm not sure if i should try to friend heron facebook, i kno shes single right now, shes 19 and im 22 after a 1 night stand im not sure should i do it? since when do girls wajnt only one night stnands?Advice/question on a girl?
hey man, just move on, there are plenty more beautiful women out there. it sounds like she is not really into you. you should text her or IM her to say goodbye and have a good trip. if she is really interested in you, then she will give you a call when she comes back from her trip.

But do not just wait for her to come back for you because it is not guaranteed that she will come back wanting you. So just go out like you usually do and meet other women.Advice/question on a girl?
idk why people onlyy think men want one night stands sometimes women do too. However i dnt think she only wanted a one night stand. i think yu may have scared her off by having such strong feelings.nd she probably didn't agree to go out with yu again because she didn't want to lead yu on. there's nothingg wrong with keeping in touch with her just make it an occasional conversation. nd see where it goes from there. Gudd Luck ; )
everyone is different. some boys like relationships others dont. its the same for girls despite what hollywood makes boys believe. honestly just move on if she wants anything more with you she'll make it known but from what your saying it doesnt seem like it. find a girl that you like and that feels the same way back and if what you want is a relationship right now....its probably not a good idea to jump into bed with them on the first date..no matter how old you are.

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