Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Advice for a shy girl meeting her boyfriends parents?

I met my boyfriend at uni and we've been together a while now. Now its the summer holidays hes invited me to go and see him at home. So this means I'll be meeting his parents. I'm really really nervous. It's probly not that big of a deal and I think I'm getting a bit too worked up but its because I'm very, shy and quiet and hate the feeling of all the attention being on me. He's shy too so I think he understands how I'm feeling, but I'm still really worried I'll make a fool out of myself. I'm not very good at starting conversations with people I dont know and I'll be much worse at this if I'm nervous. Any advice appreciated!Advice for a shy girl meeting her boyfriends parents?
Well, I'm very shy, and my guy said his family really liked me after the first time they met me even though I didn't have much to shy. Don't be afraid of them judging you for that. Remember that they've been through the experience of meeting a boyfriend/girlfriend's parents for the first time and know what it's like. Also, if they've raised a son who is shy, they'll be understanding and considerate of your shyness.

Other than that I would advise you to stick close to your boyfriend. He will be comfortable with them since it's his parents, and you will be comfortable by him since he's your boyfriend. If you can't think of what to say, he will probably be able to keep the conversation going for you. Good luck.Advice for a shy girl meeting her boyfriends parents?
IfI were you I wouldnt worry about it I mean since they are meeting you for the first time they probably have lots of thing they want to know about you so I dont think you will have to worry about starting conversations. But if you do run into an awkward situation just ask them questions and find how you relate to them, I'm sure that you have lots you want to know about them and it's a good way to start a conversation. So just relax and im sure your bf will pull you out of any sitcky situations... but GOOD LUCK!!! : )
In the instance you have an edge you already know that you like the same thing, (your boyfriend) and I would think most of the pressure is on him. Sure your bound to hear several of his most embarrassing moments, and remember after this he will owe you big, until he meets your folks won't that be fun? Good Luck
have a warm and friendly greeting of hello to your boyfriend's parents. his parents will probably initiate the conversation, asking questions about you. just be your charming self and they will see why your boyfriend likes you so much. it is nerve wracking to meet your significant other's parents, but relax. they are most likely nervous too.
Trust me its not that big of a deal hun...its actually fun,and im really really shy too. Im sure they are nice ppl and believe me,parents are just as nervous meeting the girl thier son loves. ;) Just be yourself,smile and let them do most of the talking until ur comfortable getting into the conversation. Have fun, and i hope i helped!
my advice is just be yourself. you shoudl be a little nervous cause you like him and you want it to go well. but have some confidence. he likes you, they raised him, so it cant be that bad of a start. i would recommend asking them questions so that they do most of the talking. be sincerely interested in what they have to say. just be friendly and smile.
Relax and be yourself. Try not to be ttooooooo quiet. Keep the conversation going.. Dont give them short answers...they'll get the impression your brushing them off. Keep in mind your 1st impression will reflect how they accept you. Dont be to loud on your outfit, makeup etc but then again be yourself. Good Luck!
You'll be ok you will feel weird going their to see his parents but once your their you will be alright. Just speak when they ask a question you know what I mean and smile etc. You ready aw **** lol. It feels like your are about to plunge down a 100 foot drop on a roller coaster doesn't it. Your ready awww shiittt...lol
Hi, tyr to stay come. And just smile. and try to have a good time. And u could try to say a pray before u meet them. And just ask god to make it go well.

He loves you so much. God bless you.
just be respectful take something to drink or eat if u like it or not, strike conversation even if its not something u would usually talk about...if they conversate about a topic u like go for it...trust me its not that hard to be human
Don't sweat it. They are gonna love you because you make their son happy. How do you think they'd feel if he brought some skank home? You got it in the bag. No worries.
Just be yourself..
go and be yourself,try to act nice
As a member of the group meeting the bf %26amp; gf's, just be yourself, be reasonably honest (dont say ';he has a hot bod'; if asked what you like about him), and know that we expect you to be nervous. If you are too calm we think you have done this meeting the parents too often. We all ask the same questions, what you plan to do in life, where are you from, do u like school etc. To be honest I don't think we even listen too much to the answers anymore. One tip, set up a code w your boyfriend so that if you bring up ';vacation in bermuda'; or something he knows you need a break.
I know exactly how you feel. im really really shy too like you, and i had to meet my guy friends parents the first time we hung out, i had to go to his house and i met his mom and dad. of course i didnt know i was going to have to meet them like you know so you have the chance to get a little more nervous, but just relax. it sounds scary but its not that bad just be yourself. im sure they will think you are sweet and not ask you too many questions. the parents are usally more strict with the guys than with the girls. so dont stress too much, just remember your doing it for your boyfriend. good luck! and try not to stress its not that bad just remember to be polite, and yourself!



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