Thursday, August 19, 2010

Relationship Advice for a Friend/Girl I used to Love?

Okay, I am at the point where I ave no idea anymore what to do.

Just to give you a little backstory:

I'm 16 years old, and well, I ave to help a female friend somehow with a problem, because I'm very loyal, in my opinion.

This female friend, you could say, was someone I believe was my first love. I loved her dearly, but she never returned the feelings she had for me. We had fought about things, and even went through a period of time where we did not speak for close to a year. Well, in that year, she got a boyfriend that she has been with for almost as long (this month will be one year for them).

Anyways, she and I began to talk again at the beginning of this year, and we forgave each other (I moved on, even though I know I loved her, but now i'm alone, however, I'm okay, because i've always been the loner type). Well, her boyfriend's mom hates my female friend, and up until recently, tension has risen between them.

My female friend has also entered into sexual relations with her boyfriend, upon which I have never really supported (I'm abstinent), but I try not to run people's lives, only help. Well, my female friend's boyfriend's mother found out about the sexual relations and does not condone, and is beginning to hate my female friend, even though she and her boyfriend love each other...

Well, last night, my female friend's MOTHER found out about the sexual elations, and she met with the boyfriend's mother and the couple at a restaurant where she ';made a scene'; with the boyfriend's mother because of her behavior, but its all really complicated...

Now, the boyfriend's mother has him on like ';lockdown'; from my female friend, and I've had to listen to her cry on the phone pleading for help.

Now, I'm the kind of guy who is the shoulder to cry on, to help with every problem, and to step up to the challenge when I'm needed.

I feel like I should help, regardless of my previous feelings for her. But, I do'nt know what to do. Usually I'm good at problem-solving, but I need some way to help.

She needs my help, and I ca'nt let her down.Relationship Advice for a Friend/Girl I used to Love?
So what do you want us to do? Honestly, if I were you, I'd stay out of it.

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