Sunday, August 22, 2010


ok weird situation but im i'm a guy, still at school in year 9, NEVER had a girlfrind and the reason being because i was to Shy to ask them out. I have had alot of girls who like me alot but they expect me to ask them out. Now there's this great girl at school thats, really beutiful, smart and the all the rest, i can talk to her on MSN or by SMS but i shake when i try to speak to her face to face. my friends have to drag me to her and i still can't work up the courage to ask this girl out, i've never said anything except 'hi' to her which is a bit embaressing when your friends are always picking up with someone, And for gods sake I'M 15 and i haven't had a girlfriend i'm at the ';Prime'; of my life and nothing ... zilch!

Please i need advice on takling this confidence problem.Girl Troubles- PLEASE I NEED ADVICE?
write her a letter...Girl Troubles- PLEASE I NEED ADVICE?
Look at it like this, you may be passing up a great relationship with someone if you keep being shy. When I was a kid the thing that help me build confidence is just by being friends with guy. (or in you case girls) I believe we put too much pressure on ourselves when we think in relationship terms and all we have said to the other person is hi or what ever. The worst she could say is no. Make it a group activity if that would ease your shyness a little
DUDE....she's just a girl, not some alien who might kill you if you say the wrong thing.....just ask her..the worst she can say is no, and if she does...move on...more fish in the sea!!
Look, just as ';only you'; can prevent forest fires, ONLY YOU can solve this problem of courage. No one can help you, you have got to overcome it yourself.

VERY bad advice below about writing a letter, and I hope that's meant as a joke. That is truly the cowardly way out and a girl with half a brain would know that. Same with IM, a complete copout.
You are probably not ready for dating. If you think you are, and if you have a sister, or other female relative, practice approaching females with them. They can guide you and advise you what you need to do and not to do. Once you have made the date, it will be easier. You should probably pick a girl that has a ';gift of gab'; to ask for a date.
You need to man up and grow some hair u no where! Get g'd up get looking real fresh and keep it real, dont go about what ur friends r doing do what u do cause at the end that is all that matters. You have nothing to lose really you cant be afraid of rejection, trust me you have many years of that to come, so get the first one out the way if it turns out like dat, but dont take it to the heart cause females most of the time dont know what they want most of the time so give a go, there is plenty of fish out in the sea u no what i mean!
If you can talk to her on MSN then ask her there.
write a note or get a nice card and stick it in one of her books, preferably the chapter she needs to study ! what a nice surprise she'll have when she is at home doing homework ! This worked for me many times ! Good Luck !
So what's wrong with being 15 and never having had a girlfriend? Your nervousness / shyness when it comes to talking to her face to face is telling you one thing: you are not ready for dating. Stop trying to slam the door on your childhood.
Aaaahhhh! Aren't you just the cutest little thing.

Well, back to business. I would suggest that before you go up and talk to her to take in a couple of deep breaths to calm your nerves. Then walk up to her with your chest puffed out and your head held high. Then when you start talking to her imagine that she is just one of your girls that you have as friends. Or imagine that you are talking to a cousin. If this feels a bit weird to you then you can try the other approach. Try talking about things that interests you as a person. What you like and don't like, music, movies anything. As long as you got the conversation going and you are starting to feel comfortable talking to her. Do this a couple of times, say so for about a week. And then once you have the confidence to be yourself around her, ask her out. As simple as that. Best of luck amigo and if you should need any more advice be sure to check out my 360.
do you like her or not?

just ask her.

if you are not confident enough to ask her in public, ask her privately.

shessh... you certainly need to build up your confidence, man.

she's not going to wait 4ever, you know!
take a picture of hers and stick it on the mirror, practice to speak to her face to face until you feel comfortable and confident enough.

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