Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Ladies, I need advice on meeting a girl.?

I don't know her AT ALL but I see her around a particular building in college. I have two chances and I want to know which is better for making a move.

1.) When she's always sitting in this little lobby area waiting for class, I could sit beside her and ask her if she knows anything about a particular subject I'm studying because I have a question about the material.

2.) When we're both leaving for the day I could get a little bit ahead of her and hold the door for her and then randomly spark up a conversation with this stranger.

Which would be the better/less creepy strategy?Ladies, I need advice on meeting a girl.?
hmmm. well if it was me I would either think your a freak or your a really sweet guy and your trying to get my attention. It just depends on how you say it and your body language. So just do what ever is comfortable for you so you can feel the best when your approaching her. God Bless!Ladies, I need advice on meeting a girl.?

get to know her before you decide you like her
i think #1, cuz #2 might creep her out alittle bit.

Good Luck :)
Do number 1
no. 1 would be better
I honestly think choice #1 would be the best idea, it sounds like your prefect chance! Number 2 isnt bad either, but I think it would be less easier, plus she might walk right straight through the door. You have more of a chance with #1. None of them are creepy though.

Best of Luck!

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